Saturday, August 28, 2010

McCoy as Radagast...something ain't adding up...

So today is quite an interesting day for Hobbit movie news. There's been a lot of interviews recently from a lot of people directly involved, either right in the thick of it or on the periphery. Just to mention a few:
Peter Jackson
Billy Boyd
Dominic Monaghan

Now, not all of these interviews are directly related to the Hobbit, however everyone who has been speaking have been people in a position of trust to Peter Jackson. And what these interviews have been doing is keeping us busy! With all the furor surrounding the financial catastrophe that is MGM Studios and the attempted buy outs, we've had a lot to occupy us these last few months. However the trail has gone somewhat cold in the last couple of weeks and all we're getting are recycled bits of info we've already had in some form or another. And PJ's assurances of 'certainty soon'. And the impending deadline of Sept. which we are all waiting for.

And now we've have a couple of PJ's confidants giving us interesting bits of almost Hobbit news. They were sating my appetite for a while. But you know, having a deadline of Sept. certainly doesn't mean that nothing is in progress now. The amount of administration involved in the liquidation/sale of a company that size would mean constant decisions and resolutions on various aspects of the business, and Sept. is just the date by which all of it must be completed.  

And then we get Sylvestor McCoy's interview about being cast in the Hobbit. If the film hasn't been green lit, as we are led to believe, and everything is currently on hold, then they wouldn't be "in negotiations" with any actors. How can you negotiate a pay check when you don't know if you have any money? So that leaves two possibilities: McCoy isn't telling the truth or PJ and associates aren't telling the truth. Now neither of these possibilities fill me with any sort of happiness, none of us like being lied to and especially by one as estimable as PJ. But the more I think about it the more it makes sense.

PJ and 'the studio' have to be tyrants when it comes to confidentiality, understandably so. If there were genuine spoilers, pics, videos, of sets or scenes or characters, available on the net I know I couldn't resist looking. However I also know that if I am watching the movie as an audience member I would rather see the movie without knowing those things. (Obviously the ideal is to be there and in on the confidentiality!!!) So really, they have to protect us from ourselves!

All of this waiting, listening for a resolution, would be a nice way to cover up some major current developments like going to casting sessions all around the world. And you would expect to hear leaks of that from Casting Agents, Actors, more so than just McCoy. But PJ is in a pretty unusual circumstance having produced a very similar film with very similar requirements, privacy being of the utmost importance, and so he has a network of people around the world that he knows he can trust.  

But then maybe McCoy is the one not being 100% truthful. Maybe he WAS in negotiations or maybe some contact has been made, or maybe he's just stirring the pot of controversy. Either way, it will be interesting (and personally quite devastating considering my Quest) if we find out that shooting starts late 2010 or early 2011 as originally expected and that these latest "developments" were a beautifully choreographed piece of inventive misdirection. And at this point I'd also like to say that I think PJ will direct, I think he's probably already agreed to that, but he's aware how important that bit of info will be to all the fans out there and so is waiting for the most opportune time to reveal it. We can only hope anyway. Would love to hear your thoughts!

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